Senin, 18 Januari 2016

CAS #1 : Everyday

Everyday, Everyday. What would life be without you.
To you that always did everything for me. You who always was there beside me.

I’m so thankful. So thankful. I can’t put it into words.
How the time i spend with you is that happinest time.
That time that we are together means the most to me, Friends, I love you.
You who support me when I’m crippled.
To you who give me streghth when I didn’t have any.
I’m so thankful. So thankful. I can laugh thanks to you.

Rumah, 18 January 2016 | ©Rara Syarifah

#CAS : Catatan Akhir Sekolah.
 didedikasikan untuk teman - teman sekolahku
 [Karena beberapa
Bulan lagi akan lulus SMA.]

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